Getting a bit stir crazy being in self isolation? Do you love fudge? You'll want to try this treat to help rid the COVID blues.

2020 hasn't been off to a good start so far. Many of us have been effected by this crazy COVID-19 virus and as of right now, it seems to be a never ending nightmare.
All schools have closed here as like many other areas are around the world, so I've had the pleasure of being home with my 4 year old son and my husband (who is able to work from home) for the last 3 weeks and I must say, it hasn't been easy.
Luckily for me I have my candle making and baking to help me get through this new life for now.
I may be a candle maker but I also love to cook and bake, so I thought I'd start doing some blogs on food recipes to help everyone enjoy some good food/snacks while we wait this thing out.
I'm going to start this one off with an adult treat. You'll want to make sure you leave these delicious treats away from the kids and please do not operate a vehicle after eating a few of these as this recipe can have a bit of a punch to it.
Quarantined Irish Cream Fudge Squares Recipe

What You'll Need:
3 cups of chocolate chips (semi-sweet)
1 cup of white chocolate chips
1/4 cup of butter
1 cup of Irish Cream Liquere (for the fun)
3 cups of icing sugar
8 inch square pan
(Optional: if you like having nuts in your fudge, you can always trying roasting crushed or flaked hazelnuts. Heat the oven to 320° F and roast for 6-8 minutes)
How To Make It:
Take your chocolate (the semi-chocolate and white chocolate) and butter and place it in a medium size pot and melt it over a low heat setting.
Once the chocolate and butter have melted, remove the pot from the heat and begin to stir in the icing sugar.
Stir in the good stuff...the Irish Cream liquere until it's all smooth and blended well. (This will be the time to add the nuts in if you wanted to.)
Grease the 8 inch square pan and pour the mixture into the pan and spread evenly.
Place the pan into the fridge until firm then cut into small pieces.
This recipe can help you enjoy a yummy treat while also helping you ease the stress of being home...especially if you're a parent at home with the kids 😉.